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Teachers in auditorium with hands above their heads with arms making a circle.

Welcome to Addison Northwest School District (ANWSD). We serve approximately  860 learners in pre-K through grade 12 from a 40 square mile area in Addison County, Vermont. Our district is comprised of Vergennes Union Elementary School (K-6), Ferrisburgh Central School (K-6), Vergennes Union Middle School (7-8) and the Vergennes Union High School (9-12)We are conveniently located between Burlington and Middlebury communities along the shores of Lake Champlain. 


We envision a kind, collaborative, and creative community for all that nurtures a diverse and accessible learning environment. Students will flourish as critical thinkers and productive citizens, cultivating resilience in an ever-changing world.                                                                       

April 26, 2017 Board adopted; reaffirmed June 14, 2021


ANWSD Board Statement Reaffirming its Commitment to Safe, Civil, and Anti-Racist Schools

The Superintendent and Directors of the Addison Northwest School District wish to reassure the members of our educational community in these uncertain times. We remain committed to maintaining safe and welcoming schools regardless of race, gender, disability, national origin, documentation, religion, sexual orientation, political orientation, or family income. In addition to compliance with the law, we also have a moral and ethical duty to protect all who pass through the doors of our schools and to provide our students with an equitable education.

 The Board emphatically endorses and supports a learning environment and shared community void of hate, bias, bigotry, and racism. We condemn white supremacy and unequivocally believe that Black lives matter. We charge the members of the ANWSD community with creating a safe, civil, and kind learning environment. Everyone -- parents, students, staff, board members, community members -- must take seriously the need to speak openly against hate of all kinds. We will recognize, respond to, and redress bias and inequities in our systems, policies, and practices. We will create and sustain an equitable learning environment in which we treat one another with respect and dignity. We can each lead through example, and with this statement the ANWSD Board hereby reaffirms its commitment to providing an equitable, just, and inclusive learning environment for all students.

December 14, 2020 Board adopted


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