Extended Student Absence
The State of Vermont has a number of laws regarding student attendance. Our School District is responsible for recording and coding attendance daily, as well as submitting the attendance records to the state auditors for a variety of reasons. Compliance with these laws and regulations is required and failure to do so can affect our funding or bring penalties, especially with federal grants, food service reimbursement, state aid, and regulations governing the Department of Children and Families (DCF). Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out and submit this necessary form. Secondly, Vermont Statute Title 16, Sections 1122 and 1123 state, “A person having the control of a child over 16 years of age who allows the child to become enrolled in a public school shall cause the child to attend the school continually for the full number of school days of the term in which he or she is enrolled, unless the child is mentally or physically unable to continue, or is excused in writing by the superintendent or a majority of the school directors. In case of such enrollment, the person, and the teacher, child, Superintendent, and School Directors shall be under the laws and subject to the penalties relating to the attendance of children between the ages of 6 and 16 years. The Superintendent of a public school may excuse, in writing, any student from attending the school for a definite time, but not more than ten consecutive school days and only for emergencies or for absence from town. The Superintendent of an elementary school held for more than 175 school days in a school year, may excuse, in writing, a student of the school from attending more than 175 days.” If a student misses more than 20 cumulative scheduled school days in a calendar year, the Superintendent may need to file a report of truancy as is required by
We do appreciate that families make every effort to avoid scheduling a vacation/time away while school is in session, and fully recognize that there are instances when this is just not possible. The C7 Student Attendance Policy is located on our website at www.anwsd.org. Schoolwork may be requested (please contact teachers directly to do so), but we ask this occurs with a minimum of three days’ notice, except in emergency situations. Some assignments may not be available in advance. The teachers expect the work to be completed upon the student’s return in a manner that reflects high quality, and they will evaluate work submitted. Work not completed on time may be marked accordingly. Not all work can be completed away from school, requiring make-up work upon return. Missing instruction may also include missing
demonstrations, labs, and other learning activities that cannot be made up.