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VUES Outdoor Classroom & Trail Clean-Up Day

VUES Outdoor Classroom & Trail Clean-Up Day

Please plan to meet to clean up the VUES Outdoor Classroom and the Trails behind the school at 9am (or so) on Saturday, September 14th.  Robyn Newton and John Stroup will be there to direct volunteers.

We need some people to meet me early - say 8:00am if possible - to weed whack the overgrowth so that we can get to the bridges.  I'm uncertain if we'll be putting any mulch down because we don't think we'll have the permit in time, but we'd still like to get back there and two things:

1) weed-eat and clear the trails and outdoor classroom areas for the kids - weed-eaters, clippers, rakes.

2) We need to reset the middle swamp bridge and the lower "beaver way" bridge.

Be there at 8am so if a few of you folks who have gas powered weed eaters would join me that would be great. If not, see you later with wheelbarrows and other tools.